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A 5-minute read

Looking to lose a few kilos? Maybe you just want to feel more comfortable with your body? Of course, it’s no secret nowadays that there are ways to lose fat quickly. It sometimes feels like there’s diet tips and nutrition hacks everywhere you look. Instead, we're going to tell you how to reduce body fat effectively and healthily while toning your body. All you need to know is these 6 tips – and we’ll be with you all the way!


Losing weight can be easy. Many people forget that our body is composed of far more than just bones and fat, and that it also includes moisture and muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass is essential. The aim behind losing body fat is often to look good. When it comes to exercise and training, the message is clear: build muscle, build muscle and... build muscle! 

Ultimately, the best fat burner on the road to achieving your perfect body is a well-developed musculature. All of your muscle groups consume energy around the clock, even when resting. This means that you’re always burning calories, including when you’re asleep or watching a film. Muscles keep your body healthy and looking toned. This is an important rule for long-term success. The wrong weight loss strategy – such as fasting or not exercising enough – will only take you in the wrong direction.

When you build muscle, not only will your body look better, it will also reward your efforts with an added benefit: the more developed your musculature, the more energy it will consume. So, kick-start your fat-burning efforts – the more muscle you build, the more fat you’ll burn. And you’ll have your gains to thank for it!

Takeaway 1: Building muscle is an effective way to lose body fat.


No matter how keen you are to lose weight, you need to bear one thing in mind above all: you will only lose weight and reduce body fat if you create a caloric deficit on a daily basis. To do this, you need to burn more calories than you take in. This requires a structured workout schedule and plenty of exercise in your daily routine.

You can then restrict your calorie intake on top of that. However, you shouldn’t cut more than 500 kcal per day from your diet. That way, you can keep your metabolism stable and not reduce its effectiveness. An intensive training programme combined with suitable nutrition will make sure that you lose body fat. It’s important to keep an eye on both your success and failures. Check your weight on a regular basis. This will allow you to make changes when things go wrong and keep making progress.

The Gold’s Gym Calorie Calculator: An easy way to calculate your required calorie intake. 

Calorie Calculator

Takeaway 2: Cut your calorie intake by 300-500 kcal per day to help you lose weight. 


Hunger shouldn’t be a constant companion on the road to your exercise goals. If you’re hungry all the time, you’ll do yourself more harm than good. However, there’s one nutrient that will make sure you aren’t hungry while losing weight: protein!

So, make sure to up your protein intake. You won’t be able to reach your goals without some intensive workouts – and that will increase your protein requirements. Beginners should look to consume 1.3-1.5g of protein per kilo they weight per day. If serious workouts are a regular part of your routine, you can up this to 2g per kilo of body weight per day.

A good supply of protein is particularly important before and after working out, as it helps you to build and maintain vital muscle mass. Low-fat meat (e.g. chicken or turkey), various dairy products (e.g. low-fat quark or yoghurt), pulses (e.g. beans and peas) and many types of fish (e.g. tuna) provide plenty of protein.

Our fitness food is precisely tailored to meeting these needs. Our Gold’s Gym nutrition bars, shakes and drinks contain high levels of protein and key minerals. Explore our range now!

Nutrition tip: Our whey isolate gives you the protein components you need to build muscle, right when your body needs it most – but that’s not all. It’s also an excellent weight-loss aid, as the CFM microfiltration technique makes it extremely low fat and low carb. That’s why whey isolate drinks and shakes have become an absolute must-have.

Shop Isolate

Takeaway 3: Protein first! Make sure you incorporate plenty of protein-rich food in your diet. 


Eating carbs causes an increase in insulin, the substance that regulates blood sugar levels. Although this is a healthy and important physical reaction, it can cause problems for athletes looking to lose weight. This is because elevated insulin levels slow the body’s metabolism.

So, although this isn’t important for athletes looking to increase their strength and endurance and build muscle, those aiming to reduce their body fat need to pay close attention to their carb intake.

Takeaway 4:
Avoid eating too many carbs – and especially easily digestible carbs (wheat-based products, sweets & soft drinks)

Avoid carbs before, during or after workouts wherever possible This will maximise the fat-burning effect of your interval training.

Incorporate wholemeal bread, rice and pasta in your nutrition plan, but always in moderation. Wholemeal foods contain roughage that will help keep you feeling sated for longer.

There are a few other things to note when it comes to fat. First, there’s no need to avoid healthy fats that perform key functions in your body. For example, healthy fats make sure that important metabolic processes run smoothly, such as maintaining a healthy hormonal balance. You can find healthy fats in olive oil and rapeseed oil as well as in avocados, nuts and fish (particularly herring and salmon). Eating these foods also ensures your body still gets a good supply of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

However, there’s one type of fat you should absolutely try to avoid so you don’t put your training results at risk: trans fats. These are mainly found in processed foods and especially in fatty fried products such as chips and crisps, but also in croissants and creamy spreads. Trans fats, which are often used in industrial-scale food production, are not only particularly good at making themselves at home on our hips, they also significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.  

Takeaway 5:
Don’t just avoid all fat. The nutrient is far too versatile and important for your body to go without.

Incorporate healthy fats from plant oils, fish and nuts in your nutrition plan in moderation – and avoid trans fats.

Try to reduce the amount of fat you use when cooking and when choosing foods.


It might be hard work, but it will do you the world of good. In fact, interval training enables you to continue burning calories long after your workout ends. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) pushes your body to the limit for short bursts – even 15-20 seconds can be enough, depending on your fitness levels. After that, you can take a break for active regeneration (around 45 seconds when you’re starting out). You can repeat this cycle as often as you like up to a maximum of 8 times. When you do it right, 8 times is the perfect amount.

This intense exertion coupled with active regeneration will really test your cardiovascular system, send your metabolism into overdrive and help you to keep burning calories until your body returns to a resting state.

Takeaway 6: Supercharge your fat-burning efforts with interval training and reap the benefits of the afterburn.


Making sure you drink plenty of fluids is essential for reducing body fat. If you’re aren’t well hydrated, your ability to perform will soon suffer. Plus, you’ll have to contend with dizziness, headaches and a loss of drive and motivation. Dehydration also thwarts the body’s metabolic processes. You’ll only be able to perform at your best and supercharge your metabolic processes – which is key for reaching your fat-reduction goals – if you make sure your body has a sufficient supply of water. Exactly how much is enough varies from person to person; it depends on your size and what exercise you do, as well as external conditions. On rest days, 1.5 to 2 litres should keep you well hydrated. However, on days when you work out, this figure will likely be higher – especially in summer.

Takeaway 7: Staying well hydrated is good for your health but also ensures you can deliver peak performance!


1. Strength training builds muscles that in turn help you to burn fat around the clock.

2. Interval training further accelerates your body’s fat-burning processes and also delivers an afterburn effect.

3. Cut carbs and avoid easily digestible foods like white bread.

4. Get rid of unhealthy fats and incorporate healthy fats from fish, plants and nuts.

5. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water! It keeps your body in top condition and ready to face challenging workouts.

6. Give your body a helping hand with hefty portions of protein!

7. Create a caloric deficit by going to the gym regularly and making a modest reduction in your calorie intake.